Women’s Preferences Survey #1 – Methodology

Target Population

The 2018 Women’s Preferences Survey #1 “Survey” was a nationwide sample survey that collected data on a representative sample of the US women’s population within the defined age groups of 18 – 24, 25 – 34, and 35 – 44.

It was designed to obtain a consensus of women’s opinions/preferences on various male grooming topics.

Survey Design

The Survey was an online survey designed with the SurveyMonkey platform. SurveyMonkey is the world leader in providing web-based survey solutions, trusted by countless companies, organizations, and academic institutions, including 99% of the Fortune 500. The Survey included the following types of questions

  • Questions to determine the demographics of the respondents
  • The level of attractiveness of various male grooming styles using a 5 point scale ranging from “very attractive” to “very unattractive”
  • Given a list of grooming styles or topics to rank from greatest to least attractiveness or importance.
  • Multiple choice questions based on a given scenario

Experts of SurveyMonkey’s design team were consulted in the design of the survey including construction of questions and answers and overall structure for optimal response rates and accuracy. This included considerations for respondent fatigue. Refer to the Survey structure per link below Women’s Preference Survey #1 Questions

Sampling Design

A stratified sample design was used to obtain a representative sample of the US Women population in each of the following age groups:

  • 18 – 24 years old
  • 25 – 34 years old
  • 35 – 44 years old

The target sample population was to obtain 100 respondents in each stratified subpopulation to arrive at a total of 300 respondents.

Sample Size and Precision Estimate

Based on the population size, this would provide results in which inferences could be made with 95% confidence and a margin of error of 6% which is a generally accepted standard.

The graphic reflects the actual respondents per the conducted survey and related calculations.

Procedures Used for Conducting the Survey

The survey was conducted on Tuesday, September 4th through Thursday, September 6th of 2018 by SurveyMonkey Audience.

The contributors that make up the panel of SurveMonkey Audience is, overall, a diverse group of people and is reflective of the US population.

SurveyMokey ensures data quality in a variety of ways including:

  • Does not provide direct monetary rewards for completing surveys but instead offer charitable donations in exchange for their participation.
  • Limit the number of invitations a panelist receives to take a survey as well as the number of surveys a panelist can take.
  • Provide guidance and guidelines to customers creating surveys including limiting survey length and removing disengaging question types

For more information, you can refer to SuveryMonkey Audience’s ESOMAR 28 which is a standard set of questions to understand a sample provider’s practices.

It was established by the European Society for Opinion and Market Research (ESOMAR), a world association for market, social, and opinion researchers.

Survey Responses (Raw Data)

An export of the survey response in raw form as well an export of the data in .XLS or other file formats are available upon request.

Please email such requests to [email protected].

0 thoughts on “Women’s Preferences Survey #1 – Methodology”

  1. Ok so which did the group of women between the ages of 18 and 24 prefer? Clean shaven, stubble or beard?

    Same for 25-34 and 35-44 age groups???

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