Do It At Home: DIY Beard Oil Kit


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    All You Need to Know to Create Your Own DIY Beard Oil Kit

    One of the biggest myths about growing a beard is that all you’ve got to do is stop shaving and suddenly be rewarded with a miraculous, manly-looking beard.

    Unfortunately, the truth is that beards actually require quite a bit of care and maintenance to keep them looking good, and we’re not just talking about trimming and shaping as washing, combing, and conditioning are all equally as important.

    Growing a beard is a bit like having a child, watching it grow, and helping it along its way until it becomes a full grown man.

    So just like you wouldn’t neglect or not feed your child, you should also do the same for your beard, providing it the care and nourishment it needs to be its best.

    In practical terms, this means rubbing a small amount of beard oil into it at least a few times a week to help soften and condition it.

    But the big question is – do beard oils work?

    Simply put, yes they do!

    In fact, when it comes to conditioning, beard oil or beard balm is really the only way to go.

    While you can easily wash your beard with your normal shampoo or face wash, you really should invest in beard oil for best results as coarse hair needs special treatment.

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    We won’t get too much into the benefits of using beard oil here, as we can assume that you already know about them if you’re looking for info on how to make your own DIY beard oil kit.

    Instead, we’ll focus on how to make your own DIY beard oil kit for those of you who don’t want to spend the extra cash or aren’t totally satisfied with the results you get with store-bought beard oils.

    Be sure to check out P&P’s definitive article on the best beard oil for growth.

    First up, we’ll look into how to make it and the basic ingredients you’ll need for your homemade DIY beard oil kit, and then we’ll finish it all up with some of Prim & Prep’s favorite DIY beard oil recipes.

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      How to Make Your Own DIY Beard Oil Kit

      It is so incredibly easy to make your own beard oil kit that I truly don’t know why more men aren’t already doing it.

      If you know how to make a beard oil kit, not only will the ingredients cost you a fraction of the price of what you’d normally pay for most products, but a DIY beard oil kit also gives you the opportunity to mix and match ingredients based on your skin type.

      Plus, you can also choose the scents you or your significant other likes most.

      Unlike DIY beard balm that needs to be heated to mix the ingredients, with a DIY beard oil kit, all you’ve got to do is put everything in a bottle and give it a thorough shake and it’s ready to be rubbed into your beard.

      It really is that simple how to make beard oil at home.

      However, while we’re on the topic of the bottle, it’s actually quite important that you use the proper bottle as it will help extend the life of your beard growing oil.

      Really any clean glass container could work as long as it has a tight-fitting lid since you’ll need to shake it up to remix the beard oil ingredients before each use.

      Still, while any glass container could work, if you use something like a mason jar, you’re likely to end up making a huge mess.

      While making a beard oil kit, you’ll need to consider how you plan on getting the oil out of the bottle and into your hands without making a mess.

      It’s also best if your hands never actually come into contact with any oil but what you plan on immediately using as this will help prevent bacteria from getting into the rest of the oil.

      This can cause it to spoil (or else simply multiply and then be transferred directly onto your beard, as it’s already dirty enough).

      For this reason, I’d recommend getting a glass bottle with a medicine dropper attached to the lid, as this is by far the easiest way to get the oil out of the bottle without making a mess or disturbing the remaining oil.

      The size of the bottle you’ll need will obviously depend on how much oil you plan on making at a time, but again, I’d start off with no more than 1 ounce both to make sure you’re satisfied with the end result don’t waste ingredients.

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      While beard balm contains a variety of waxes, vegetable butter, and oils, beard oil is really just what it sounds like—oil!

      Typically, most beard oils available on the market contain a mixture of so-called carrier oils (beard oil base) and essential oils.

      The carrier oils are used to help soften/condition the beard and also to carry the essential oils for beard growth and thickness, which both have beneficial properties and give the beard oil its signature scent.

      Some of the carrier oils also provide other benefits to the skin and hair, which is why learning to make your own DIY beard oil kit is also great for those who suffer from any skin problems.

      Although beard oil generally only contains two types of ingredients, this doesn’t mean that you still don’t have a huge choice of what you want to put into it, as there are a ton of different carriers and essential oils to choose from.

      Carrier Oils

      Carrier oils are a type of oil pressed from nuts or seeds, which are named for their ability to carry an essential oil, diluting it so it doesn’t burn the skin.

      There are a huge number of carrier oils you can choose from, many of which have their own unique benefits and properties.

      Don’t be afraid to mix and match different oils, as virtually any of them can be replaced by any other carrier oil in a recipe.

      There are far too many different carrier oils for us to list here, so we’ll just focus on some of the most popular/easiest to find.

      When purchasing your oils, keep in mind that while they may seem expensive, they’ll make a ton of beard oil, dropping the total costs to less than $5 per bottle of beard oil.

      • Almond Oil. Almond oil for beards is excellent for sensitive or dry skin or for those with eczema, psoriasis, or other skin disorders.
      • Aloe Vera Oil. Also a good choice for dry or sensitive skin.
      • Avocado Oil. Has antibacterial properties and also contains skin-nourishing nutrients like vitamin E and lecithin.
      • Apricot Oil. Absorbs easily into the skin and hair. Also good for skin conditions.
      • Argan Oil. Used for centuries to treat skin conditions. Argan oil for beards is an excellent conditioner with vitamin E and numerous antioxidants. A bit pricey, but one of the best.
      • Castor Oil. Castor oil for beards hydrates and moisturizes the skin. It reduces skin itching and is also a perfect treat for acne.
      • Coconut Oil. Coconut oil for beards adds a nice scent if you like coconut. Great skin/hair protection and conditioning. Needs to be melted (never boiled) before mixing and may solidify at lower temperatures.
      • Grapeseed Oil. Can reduce skin inflammation. Numerous vitamins and minerals.
      • Hazelnut Oil. Absorbs quickly and is a good conditioner. Helps against acne.
      • Hemp Seed Oil. Another excellent conditioner with a wide range of vitamins. Helps soften and hydrate the beard.
      • Jojoba Oil. Jojoba oil for beards is an excellent choice for treating acne. Contains a variety of minerals and proteins to help strengthen the hair. This is definitely one of the best carrier oil for beards.
      • Olive Oil. Olive oil for beards is quickly absorbed and works well to soften and condition. Can be relatively cheap, but you should always use the highest quality you can get—after all, you can always cook with the rest.
      • Sesame Oil. Numerous beneficial ingredients. Also has a pleasant smell.
      • Walnut Oil. this carrier oil contains excellent hydrating and nourishing properties for dry skin.

      Essential Oils

      Unlike carrier oils, essential oils aren’t all that oily in nature; despite what their name suggests.

      There are more than 100 different essential oils you can choose from, most of which are used purely for their scent.

      Still, also have other benefits, such as cedarwood, which helps fight acne; or eucalyptus for beard growth, which also helps against skin irritation and is perfect for when first starting to grow a beard.

      Other essential oils like peppermint oil or lemongrass oil are popular for the refreshing tingling sensation they provide.

      DIY Beard Oil Kit Recipes

      We’ve tried a huge number of different DIY beard oil kit recipes out and are eager to share some of our favorites, but first, one final note on mixing.

      It’s important that you first measure out and mix your carrier oils, as these are the base of the DIY beard oil kit and will make up the bulk of the finished product.

      Once the carrier oils are mixed, then you can add a few drops of your essential oils.

      When doing this, I’d recommend only adding a few drops at a time, then checking to see if you’re satisfied with the scent before adding any more.

      To produce the best smelling beard oil, you must ensure that the DIY beard conditioner is mixed in the right proportions to suit the scent you desire.

      Essential oils can be incredibly overpowering, so it’s important not to overdo them.

      And finally, the recipes…

      Prim & Prep’s Best Basic DIY Beard Oil Kit

      ½ ounce jojoba oil

      ½ ounce avocado oil

      5 drops of cedarwood essential oil

      3 drops of tea tree oil

      Acne Fighter DIY Beard Oil Kit

      ½ ounce avocado oil

      ¼ ounce argan oil

      ¼ ounce hazelnut oil

      4-8 drops of cedarwood essential oil

      No More Brittle Beard Oil

      ½ ounce coconut oil

      ½ ounce hemp seed oil

      + your favorite essential oil

      Coconut Kick Beard Oil

      ½ ounce almond oil

      ½ ounce melted coconut oil

      3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

      3 drops peppermint essential oil

      3 drops of tea tree oil

      Woodsman’s Beard Oil

      ½ ounce almond oil

      ½ jojoba oil

      3 drops sandalwood

      3 drops cedarwood

      Bay Rum Beard Oil

      ½ ounce almond oil

      ½ avocado oil

      5 drops of bay laurel essential oil (often called oil of bay laurel)

      2 drops cinnamon essential oil

      1 drop of vanilla essential oil (not extract)

      1 drop of lime essential oil

      Orange Spice Beard Oil

      ½ ounce almond oil

      ½ ounce jojoba oil

      5 drops of bergamot essential oil

      3 drops of orange essential oil

      3 drops cinnamon cassia essential oil

      2 drops of clove essential oil

      Fresh Face Beard Oil

      ½ ounce walnut oil

      ½ ounce jojoba oil

      5 drops of rosemary essential oil

      5 drops of lemon essential oil

      Frequently Asked Questions About DIY Beard Oil Kit

      Frequently Asked Questions

      1. What Is DIY Beard Oil kit Used For?

      2. What is the Primary Component of DIY Beard Oil Kit?

      3. Is it Possible to Use Coconut Oil as a DIY Beard Oil Kit?

      4. Are There Any Negative Consequences to Using DIY Beard Oil Kit?

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