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There are very few things in life that more enjoyable as a man than growing your own beard and displaying it for the world to see.
Beards offer an opportunity to say a lot about your character and personality without having to utter a single word; that’s why there are so many beard styles and opinions.
They display maturity, indicate your adult age, and can inform others about your tastes and fashion awareness.
Beards are an epic form of self-expression and something that every man should experiment with at some point in their lives.
However, while growing a beard and wearing it proudly are excellent experiences, they come with a host of minor and major roadblocks that can cause any aspiring facial hair fanatic to stumble on the road to greatness.
It’s especially easy to run into a bunch of problems early on when you’re growing your first beard and don’t have a lot of experience to guide you on the way.
That’s what this guide is for – to discuss the ways to fix the most common beard problems you may encounter during your beard grooming journey.
If you’re experiencing facial hair growth problems (wispy beard, weak beards, or brittle beard) there is a remedy for you.
Whether you’ve never grown a beard before or you’ve been rocking facial hair for decades already, this guide has a comprehensive description of all the possible beard issues you might experience and their solutions.
As facial hair experts, we’ve compiled the best tips and tricks to help you grow and care for your beard through every stage of life: from the first hints of peach fuzz to your beard’s descent into glorious gray.
Feel free to skip to the section relevant to your experience or begin with the basics below.
Feel free to skip to the section relevant to your experience or begin with the basics below.
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Growing Pains
The initial stages of growing a beard are often the most simultaneously exciting and depressing.
It’s especially tough to be a young man trying to grow his first beard and finding that the process isn’t as cut and dry or necessarily as fast as he might have liked.
Even if you’ve grown a beard before, you might have experienced several pitfalls that make the process uncomfortable or annoying until you reach an ideal length.
In this section, we’ll go over beard growth problems that you might encounter on your road to full facial hair.
1. Initial or Consistent Itchiness
What It Is
Why do beards itch when growing?
This remains one of the most frequently asked beard questions to date.
When you decide to finally grow out your scruff into a full beard worthy of a man, you might encounter plenty of itchiness along the way.
This is a common side effect that most men who grow their beards out have to deal with at one point or another.
Skin itchiness can show up at the beginning of your beard’s growth, or it can last for the entire process until you achieve some uncertain length.
It all depends on the reason you’re experiencing itchiness in the first place and your skin chemistry.
Note that skin itchiness is distinct from rashes or real sensitivity; it’s a common ailment and not at all something to worry about for most men.
Why It Happens
There are a few reasons why you might face itching (pun intended) in the earlier stages of your beard’s growth.
Firstly, depending on the shape and type of your hair, it might curl back on itself.
This can lead the ends of your hair strands to scratch at the sensitive skin of your face, creating a light tickling or itching sensation.
This effect is actually common enough among African American men that it’s recommended by many dermatologists that they grow out their beards as a standard for comfort’s sake.
In some cases, this “curling back” effect can be so potent that it causes health risks for the skin.
Alternatively, you might have itchy skin because your skin’s pores are overcompensating and creating extra facial oil to help protect your new hair.
This balances out over time, but the initial stages of oil production can do a number on your face’s comfort and general oiliness.
How to Fix It
For most men, itchiness is a result of growing their beards will eventually pass on its own.
But there is a beard itching remedy or remedies that you can take advantage of and they’re all here in this guide.
Whether your skin produces too much oil or your hair curls at its tips, the source of the itchiness should fade away as your beard comes into its own, and your skin becomes used to the new facial hair coating its surface.
However, there are a few things you can do to mitigate the effects of itchiness and help you muscle through the initial stages of your beard growing journey.
For starters, keeping your face clean and well moisturized is key to general beard and skin comfort, especially after your beard becomes long enough to worry about that kind of thing.
We’d recommend using a very mild soap or shampoo on your beard and face when it’s still in the initial stages of growth.
You don’t want to use anything too abrasive or intense, as you might accidentally irritate your skin or damage the new beard hairs just coming in.
Soap with a vegetable oil base is particularly effective for gentle washing in this stage.
At the same time, you’ll want to keep your face moisturized by using something like aloe vera or another common hydrating lotion.
Aloe vera is a great choice for men with sensitive skin since it also relieves irritation and inflammation.
The big key is that you want to keep your skin comfortable and make sure it has the moisture necessary to keep its skin cells from dying or drying out.
Next, it might be helpful to use a short bristle brush to stroke your beard as it comes in.
Of course, this is only really necessary if you have moved past the very beginning stages of your beard and actually have some hair length to affect.
Brushing your beard can help get rid of dirt or debris and unkink any beginning tangles that might be forming.
Finally, you should also take care to ensure that you’re consuming a healthy diet, especially one that doesn’t have too much saturated fat or excessive grease.
You are what you eat, and this is extremely apparent when it comes to your skin quality and facial hair.
Eating plenty of omega-3 fats will improve your skin’s condition and oil production.
Getting rid of processed sugar and avoiding too many saturated fats will not only make you feel better in your day-to-day activities but will improve the look and feel of your skin.
It’ll even help your skin stop producing too much oil, which can have subsidiary benefits like a reduction in acne and better skin color.
Remember, general skin itchiness will go away no matter what, but following the above tips can help you reach that stage faster or suffer less itchiness while you’re waiting for your beard to come in properly.
2. Patchy Spots
What It Is
When you take the first step to grow your beard, you probably imagine a full face of hair coming in to cover all of the skin around your lips and jaw.
But many men are disappointed when they discover that certain spots on their face simply refuse to grow facial hair.
Some of these bald patches can be in particularly unlucky areas, like the middle of the cheek or chin.
Unfortunately, this isn’t something that can necessarily be medicated, at least very easily.
Some men’s genetics simply dictate that they don’t grow facial hair holistically all across their mouths or jaws.
Lots of guys, in fact, may have small bald gaps between their mustache and the facial hair of their jaw or cheeks.
This can ruin a full beard effect that many men like to sport.
Why It Happens
The reasons for bald patches can vary from man-to-man, but most of the time, it’s a simple genetic misfortune.
Sure, there are some instances when guys have poor diets, and their facial hair growth patterns go haywire as a result.
But these are the exception rather than the norm.
Just like your head hair’s growth pattern or your predisposition for male pattern baldness, your genetics play a huge role in the kind of facial hair you’ll be able to wear best and what you can expect when you start to grow.
It can be helpful to look at your male ancestors, both recent and more distant, to try to determine your genetic lock in this regard.
If your dad or either of your grandfathers had patchy beards, chances are you might not get the full mountaineer beard you’ve always dreamed of.
How to Fix It
So, is there a way to fix beard patchiness?
Unfortunately, not really.
You can’t directly target bald spots on your face and magically make new beard hair grow where there was only smooth skin before.
Don’t be fooled by any of the thousands of years ago products that claim to be able to paint your face with a wonder drug and sprout new beard hair like grass on the lawn.
Instead, take heart in the fact that most bald spots are not noticeable once your beard has grown to its fullest extent.
In fact, our advice for covering up bald patches in your facial hair is to grow out what you do have as long as you can until you’re satisfied.
Longer facial hair around the perimeter of your bald spots or patches will eventually become thick enough to cover up those spots admirably.
While they might still be noticeable on close inspection, your beard should still look full and healthy enough for your day-to-day confidence.
You’ll be able to rock your facial hairstyle knowing that literally, no one but yourself is aware that you have a few lighter patches where the hair doesn’t grow.
Also, you can use some hair products (like emu oil for beard growth and castor oil for patchy beard) to correct your wispy facial hair.
If you’re one of the guys that have bald spots between their mustache and the rest of their facial hair, you just have to adapt and roll with the punches.
Try to find a facial hairstyle that works within your limitations.
In fact, check out our guide on how to choose the best beard style for you if you’d like some suggestions or help!
3. Self-Confidence Faltering
What It Is
Every man that’s ever grown a beard from the stubble of their youth has looked in the mirror at least once during the process and ask themselves, “Is it really worth it?”
Let’s be honest; the peach fuzz that you have to suffer through to progress from clean-shaven to a full beard doesn’t look very good on anyone.
Even guys in the prime of their adult years have to wait days or weeks to go from having no facial hair to the beard they want.
The most handsome guy on the planet, whoever that may be, can’t protect even his mug from the perils of peach fuzz and stubble.
In the critical stages that fill the space between clean-shaven and a beard, every guy faces self-doubt and wonders if their beard will even look good once it’s come in.
But these dark times are just something you have to press through.
Why It Happens
We all lose a little confidence in our appearance and in what we can look like in the future when we hit the worst stage of the beard-growing process.
It’s usually shortly after we stopped shaving every day or every few days and can finally notice new beard hairs curling at their tips or spreading across our jaws.
We look at those thin hairs and wonder if everyone who looks at us finds them as distasteful as we do.
While most people are polite enough to avoid commenting on what’s clearly a beard in progress, some folks won’t hesitate to let their opinions be known.
This, combined with our own reflection, is often enough to drive us to pick up the razor and seriously contemplate shaving it all away to retreat to the comfort of a clean-shaven face.
But you can’t do that!
Giving up is the antithesis to being a man, so learning how to tackle your own self-doubt and pushed through to the beard of your dreams is something every guy has to learn at one point or another.
If you haven’t yet learned this lesson, it’s as good a time as any.
How to Fix It
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There’s no cure for self-doubt other than taking up habits and routines that build your self-confidence up.
Working out, doing well at your job, or in your relationship, and reading self-help books are all great ways to get your confidence back.
It can drive away the nagging voice in the back of your head that whispers that your stubble makes you look terrible.
Every guy has to go through stubble to get to the beard, just like you have to get through the first set of push-ups to get female head-turning biceps at the gym.
It’s no different when it comes to facial hair.
Instead of despairing out your current appearance, treat the earlier stubble stages as a rite of passage, or as a struggle, you have to get through to reach your reward.
4. Commentary
What It Is
Speaking of folks who just have to share their opinions, we guys also know all too well that both fellow men and women love to comment on our facial hair, regardless of whether it’s fully grown in or not.
While some people might not mean their comments to be particularly negative, we also can’t deny that our egos and self-images are uniquely vulnerable while we’re still growing out our beards, especially for the first time.
So, any commentary you receive on your beard might dramatically impact your self-confidence and your desire to keep growing your beard.
Commentary can be either positive or negative, but oftentimes it’s the most “neutral sounding” comments that give us the most pause as we tried to decipher what the speaker really meant by their words.
Consider the following: “Oh, it’ll come in eventually!”
Or even, “Yeah, I can see that your beard is coming along slowly but surely!”
These phrases and others aren’t necessarily intended to bring us down, but they can have drastic effects if we let them.
Of course, there are plenty of people who will take every opportunity to bring others down.
We’ve all heard the negative commentary about scruff from other men, so it can be painful when it’s directed at you.
“You look like a teenager again!”
“Don’t worry, peach fuzz doesn’t last forever!”
Unfortunately, commentary on your facial hair is a fact of life and something you’ll have to learn to live with if you want to attain a full beard.
Why It Happens
The reasons why folks make commentary on your facial hair are far too numerous to list here.
Some people just think they’re being funny and like to put others down to raise themselves up.
Other guys might just be jealous, especially if they have difficulty growing a beard of their own.
Still, more men and women might feel that their insight is particularly valuable even though you already know everything they’re saying.
Because your beard isn’t likely to look good in its initial stages, it will attract negative or ignorant attention for several weeks or months, especially from men who and be your ability to grow facial hair.
Beyond that, many more conservative folks or people who don’t usually see beards in their communities may take your growing facial hair as a sign of social nonconformity.
Beards have traditionally been seen as a symbol of both traditional masculinity and counterculture, depending on the era and style.
So, you may get negative attention just because you’re breaking the social mold and growing facial hair while most of your male peers remain clean-shaven.
Even after your beard grows into its own, you might still get negative comments just because someone doesn’t like the style.
In the end, it’s somewhat useless to speculate as to the reasons why people might provide you with unwanted commentary on your facial hair or its progress.
All that matters is how you deal with it.
How to Fix It
Thankfully, dealing with commentary both starts and ends with your own attitude.
We’ve all heard the phrase, “sticks and stones may break my bones,” and so on and so forth.
This slogan, and other thoughts like it, are your best defense against your ego or motivation being weighed down by negative commentary.
Whenever someone mentions your facial hair tries to give you a backhanded compliment, it helps to take a step back and try to look at the situation as rationally as possible.
Try to consider the motivations of the speaker and wonder why they might be commenting in the first place.
Once you know why someone might be being malicious to you, it’s a lot easier to dismiss their comments as hogwash.
It also helps to remind yourself of why you’re going to the trouble of growing a beard in the first place.
Whether it’s for your own personal aesthetic or because you want to emulate a popular style of your idol, recalling your primary motivation will give you the inner strength needed to overcome any commentary.
This sounds like a simple solution, but it can often be more difficult than you might think.
Once you learn how to tune out negative commentary and do your own thing, however, pushing through to the final stages of your beard’s growth will become even easier.
Even better, that self-confidence will translate to other areas of your life and make you a more attractive and masculine individual.
5. Beard Rash with Your Significant Other
What It Is
There’s a frequent mishap that occurs when a female significant other sees her man sporting new facial hair and wants to see what it’s like to kiss those new lips.
While the experience may indeed be novel, it may not necessarily be what she expected!
That’s because short whiskers growing in the initial stages of your beard journey are often bristlier and rougher than the final strands when they reach a longer length.
Where your female companion might expect a soft tickle or a gentle brush, she might accidentally experience something akin to sandpaper sliding across her lips.
Naturally, this cuts the fun short for both you and your girlfriend or wife.
Why It Happens
Beard rash on your significant other’s mouth or face just happens because your short facial hair still has prickly ends and isn’t flexible enough to bend when pressure is exerted on the strands.
This causes your facial hair to stand up like small bits of wire, which can easily irritate or inflame sensitive lips or cheek skin when rubbed against it.
While this doesn’t feel great, it can also leave your lover with a red rash that looks like she gave herself a razor burn.
There’s no faster way to end up on a woman’s wrong side than to mess with her own carefully tailored appearance.
How to Fix It
There isn’t a surefire way to avoid beard rash when you’re growing your beard out from a clean-shaven state.
Your only real bet is to test out a few kisses carefully with your wife or girlfriend as your beard comes into its own.
If you go slowly and don’t move your mouth too much, she can determine if your beard is liable to give her a rash.
If it is, she can restrain herself to only giving you light pecks while your beard continues to grow for a few more days or weeks.
If it isn’t, you can go about your business as normal.
Beard care for sensitive skin is very important and should not be taken for granted, as those with sensitive skin tend to suffer beard rash than others.
It’s possible to use a moisturizer to make your beard hairs a little softer to the touch, but the real remedy is just time.
Being aware of the possibility of a beard rash will let you avoid the more serious consequences and prevent you from marking your woman in a rather irritating way.
6. Hair Color Unevenness
What It Is
Lots of men begin to grow their beards imagining that it’ll be the same shade as their head hair, only to be surprised when their facial hair starts sprouting in lighter or darker colors than they expected.
Like your eyebrows, your facial hair does not necessarily have to be the same hue as your head hair.
This hair color unevenness can drive a lot of guys crazy, especially if they are more aesthetically inclined than their peers.
But there’s no need to worry; a beard with more than one color actually looks better than the reverse more often than not.
Hair with red or blonde colors mixed in with darker browns and blacks can appear dynamic and vibrant.
We assure you that it doesn’t look as wild or ironic as you might fear.
All it does it give your beard some layers and character.
Why It Happens
This can be chalked up to genetics, case closed.
There’s nothing you can eat or drink to change the color of your hair.
The only other thing that might impact the color of your facial hair is age.
While it’s true that you might get gray facial hair if you start to grow a beard and your later years, we go into that particular problem later in the guide.
How to Fix It
You don’t have to fix a beard that has strands of multiple colors unless you really want to.
The vast majority of men with full beards have a few strands here and there that are different colors from the main shade, whether they’re aware of it or not.
As we said above, this gives your beard a layer of complexity and depth that most men and women will really appreciate.
But if you really want to make your beard color uniform, a little dye can go a long way.
Just be aware that you’ll need to reapply this stuff every now and then, and it can lead to negative health consequences in the long term if you don’t take care of your beard each day you apply the dye.
For many men, this intensive process is a little too involved for their taste, and they learn to live with the unique color of their beard, even if it’s more noticeable as it’s coming in.
In fact, remember that, as your beard grows into its own, the eventual full color will likely lean more toward the main shade over time.
The few strands here and there of different colors will fade away into the background.
You can also style your beard in such a way that you draw attention to the main darker or lighter parts of your facial hair, depending on your preference.
7. Terminal Beard
What It Is
How long and thick can you grow your beard?
It’s something that every man has to discover for himself, but it’s not something we can accurately predict for your own beard.
That’s because each man has a predetermined point at which their beard will no longer grow.
When it reaches this predetermined point, your beard hairs will start to break off at the ends, effectively curtailing their length even if you refuse to trim it.
Don’t worry; this isn’t a sign of illness or of a terrible genetic problem that prevents you from growing a Viking-worthy man mane.
In fact, a terminal beard is a good thing for most men since it gives you a helpful measuring point at which to keep your beard trimmed for maximum thickness and health.
Plus, you can imagine why it might have been evolutionarily advantageous for earlier men.
After all, they didn’t have the excellent razors or barber scissors we have access to today.
Their facial hair grew out until it simply stopped.
If a terminal beard wasn’t a thing, men’s facial hair would simply keep growing until they tripped on it.
While the terminal beard is totally natural, it also doesn’t look very attractive or put together if you let it run its natural course.
Your facial hair will automatically start to split and break at the ends if you let it continue to grow until termination.
This gives your beard a wiry and tangled appearance that can artificially age you up several years.
If you want your beard to look as useful and full as you imagine, you’ve got to trim your beard carefully and slightly before the termination point.
Why It Happens
Terminal beard happens as a natural result of your genetic predispositions and sometimes your diet.
Men with healthier diets can often grow longer and stronger beards in general.
But overall, it’s best to consider your beard’s natural terminal length as something you can’t control or stop.
Instead, it’s smarter to think of a terminal beard is something to work around.
Think of it as a guideline to help you determine the ideal facial hairstyles for your face.
How to Fix It
To prevent the signs of terminal beard – split hair, a wiry appearance, or weaker end strands – you need to get in the habit of trimming your beard before that termination point every so often.
How frequently you’ll need to trim depends on how quickly your facial hair grows in general.
You only discover your terminal point by letting your beard grow as far as you dare.
But once you discover the length that which it starts to fall apart, you should get in the habit of trimming it about a quarter of an inch or so before that point.
This gives your hair plenty of space to continue growing for several weeks before you need to trim it once again.
It also leaves plenty of room for healthy hair to grow and flourish.
This quarter-inch mark is an ideal spot for keeping your beard as long as it will naturally go without pushing your luck.
Hygiene and Hair
You’ve grown a beard, so now that’s it, right?
Once you’ve grown a beard, you have to respect it like you would any other serious work.
After all, you’ve just spent several weeks or months growing your beard to the right length and thickness for your chosen style.
Failing to maintain your beard is not only a waste of your time, but it shows a lack of self-respect that others will pick up on.
Key to maintaining a good looking and feeling beard is maintaining a proper hygiene routine, as well as checking for any hygiene issues that might crop up over time.
In this section, we’ll go over hygiene issues that beard-bearers all over the world have to face, plus their myriad solutions.
1. Ingrown Hairs (one of the Most Common Beard Problems)
What It Is
Ingrown hairs are hairs that grow beneath your skin in either one of two ways.
The first way is less common and happens when one of your facial hairs grows improperly beneath your skin before every emerging from the pore.
In this circumstance, the hair strands tilt to an odd direction and grow continually beneath the skin, causing irritation and inflammation.
The skin around the hair will likely become very sensitive and might fill with pus or bacteria.
While this kind of ingrown hair isn’t prevalent, it can be serious and usually requires the attention of a doctor or dermatologist.
The second type of ingrown hair is much more common and is much less severe.
It’s what happens when you have naturally curly hair that hasn’t yet achieved the length necessary to become soft and pliable.
In these circumstances, your facial hair will curl back on itself right after it’s emerged from your skin and penetrate back into your face.
Like the former kind of ingrown hair, this can cause severe inflammation and sensitivity.
These ingrown hairs are easily identifiable by red patches across your skin or general soreness when you press on a specific area.
Thankfully, these ingrown hairs are a lot easier to get rid of.
Why It Happens
Ingrown hairs usually happen due to bad luck as a result of your hair growth genetics.
As an example, African American men experienced ingrown facial hairs to a much higher degree than men of other races.
It’s just because their facial hair tends to be extremely curly, even in the beginning stages of beard growth.
This means they have a higher proportion of short, prickly beard hairs that curl back in on themselves and give them severe facial skin irritation.
But you can also get ingrown hairs from bad beard maintenance or hygiene.
Failing to brush your beard or straighten your hair strands can lead your hairs to become ingrown even if they aren’t predisposed to that shape.
Alternatively, too much facial oil can weigh your facial hairs down and make them bend back in on themselves, causing them to grow into your skin.
So, hygiene is essential even if you have great hair shape genetics.
Finally, you can also get ingrown facial hairs if you shave with a dull or dirty blade.
This can pull your facial hair strands out of position.
Even worse, shaving with a dull blade can cut your facial hairs improperly or at an angle.
Facial hairs cut at an angle will have more weight to one side, possibly causing them to bend back toward your face as they grow.
Naturally, this can result in ingrown hairs even if you usually have very straight or gently curling facial hair.
How to Fix It
The best way to fix ingrown hairs is to avoid them in the first place.
Even if you’re an African American man and have to watch out for ingrown hairs more seriously, you should seriously consider brushing your stubble or facial hair with a comb or gentle brush each morning.
This will straighten out your hair and lessen the likelihood that it’ll bend back to prick through your facial skin during the day or night.
You should also thoroughly wash your face with a gentle shampoo.
You don’t want to use a shampoo that’s too rough, as you might remove too much facial oil and cause your pores to overproduce oil as a result.
But cleaning out dead skin, debris, and facial oil will lessen the things your short beard strands have to compete with as they grow.
Finally, be sure to shave with a sharp razor blade if you’re only going for facial hair on the part of your face.
If you still get ingrown hairs after maintaining a great facial hygiene routine, we’d recommend using a pair of needle those tweezers.
You can use these to pull out ingrown hairs that are somewhat exposed on your skin.
Look for the patches of red skin on your face to eliminate these hairs; a single, sharp yank should do the trick.
But if you’re ingrown facial hairs are entirely covered by your skin, don’t be a macho man and try to cut into your skin yourself.
Instead, you should visit your doctor or dermatologist.
They have medications or specialized tools to get rid of those ingrown hairs more comfortably and capably than anything you can accomplish at home.
2. Acne
What It Is
Virtually all men experienced need to some degree as soon as they enter their puberty years.
It’s like hitting a brick wall where all of a sudden, your smooth skin is inundated with pimples, zits, and blackheads.
But while most of us outgrow the severe acne stages that seem to dominate our teenage years, we can still experience acne from time to time as we enter and progress through adulthood.
Facial hair and acne beard are not the same things, but the former may eventually result in the latter.
Furthermore, acne can come back with a vengeance when you start to grow facial hair for several reasons.
Acne beneath your beard, especially when you’re first growing it, can severely impact your looks and make shaving or maintaining the beard a total pain in the butt.
Ever tried brushing your short beard while pimples rest just beneath your hairs?
Yeah, it’s not a blast.
Pimples can also pop beneath your facial hair, spreading pus and bacteria throughout your beard.
We think everyone knows how bad acne can be, but why does it always seem to crop up when we decide to grow our beards?
Why It Happens
Regular acne is primarily a result of hormone boosts, which is why most teenage men sprout pimples with alarming regularity.
As their hormone levels balance out, the acne subsides into a mild if regular occurrence.
This type of acne isn’t caused by hormones but is a natural reaction to dirty skin pores, which is something that even the most hygienic of us probably experience now and again.
Most adult acne crops up when your skin pores become clogged with dead skin cells or other dirt or debris.
Facial acne is particularly abundant because your face is a typically oily place.
While some oil can be healthy to keep your face’s skin moisturized and protected from the elements, too much oil can trap dirt into your pores, leading to bacterial build up and pimples or zits.
Acne sharply rises in many men when they grow a beard because all of those short facial hairs act as artificial traps, keeping any extra dirt or dead skin cells and making it much more likely that your pores become clogged regularly.
This danger continues even after you’ve grown your beard out to some length, as thicker and longer hairs are even more adept at keeping in dirt or oil.
This is one of the reasons why regularly cleaning your beard and ensuring its hygiene is a top concern among men with facial hair.
While beards look and feel great when they’re correctly maintained, they really are annoyingly effective at trapping dirt.
So, what is there to do about it?
How to Fix It
You can limit your acne outbreaks in several ways.
Perhaps the most gentle and long-term is to alter your diet.
Making sure that you eat a healthy diet with omega-3 fatty acids and avoiding too much saturated fat or sugar will decrease the likelihood that your facial pores will create tons of oil, otherwise known as sebum.
Oil overproduction is one of the number one reasons for acne outbreaks and dandruff, which we’ll go into later.
Maintaining a healthy diet is critical for general health but also for beard and facial skin hygiene.
But the most effective way to prevent or limit the effects of acne beneath your beard is to keep things clean.
That means shaving with a sharp blade, using a regular facial cleanser, toner and moisturizer, and washing your beard thoroughly every single day.
Facial toners are adept at cleansing your pores and dig in deep to get rid of dirt or oil that’s packed deep inside.
Toner also has a tendency to dry out your skin, so we’d recommend using a great moisturizer to keep things hydrated and prevent you from developing dandruff in your fight against acne.
Check out our guides on the best toners and moisturizers for men.
For cleaning your beard, an excellent shampoo and conditioner are in order.
We’ve done guides on both, of course, if you’d like some excellent product suggestions or example routines.
You can also use specialized beard oils that are specifically designed to clean your beard and deliver excellent nutrients or vitamins that can enhance your beard’s growth and thickness or improve its color.
These products have to be used with a great brush, which will help unkink any tangles that might be plaguing your beard.
If all of this seems time-consuming, don’t worry about it.
Each of these elements can be applied to your regular morning and showering routine by adding only an extra couple of minutes.
Once you get the hang of the full routine, it’ll become second nature and your beard will look and smell better than ever.
Best of all, the likelihood that you’ll develop acne will be close to zero.
You can’t ever truly eliminate the possibility of acne breakouts, but any mature man will do what he can to limit his discomfort and make his beard look and feel the best he can.
3. Dandruff
What It Is
Like acne, virtually every man has experienced dandruff at one time or another.
But most people get their first experience with dandruff when they scratch their head, only to see a shower of white particles or dusty bits rain down from above.
In a nutshell, dandruff is a collection of dead skin cells and debris that fall from your skin when you scratch it.
Dandruff usually only falls away when your skin is dry enough, so it’s a common side effect of regularly dry skin or overly oily skin, as the latter condition can accelerate how dirty your skin gets and cause dirt or debris pile up more quickly than normal.
So, as you might imagine, your facial hair can quickly accumulate dandruff, especially once it grows long enough.
And unlike dandruff from your head, it’s much easier to notice dandruff from your facial hair.
Just take a second to think about how often you stroke your beard or even scratch your lips or chin without any facial hair at all.
The likelihood of you discovering a sudden shower of dandruff once growing your beard is incredibly high.
If you aren’t prepared, that is.
Why It Happens
Dandruff usually is just a side effect of dry skin or overly oily skin, although some people have a genetic predisposition to skin that falls off a little more frequently or quickly than average.
In most cases, dandruff isn’t a severe condition, and it can be treated with some regular attention to your hygiene routine.
Dandruff can sometimes become more prominent during the dry winter months when ambient humidity tends to be at its lowest for the year.
Even men with regularly moisturized skin may get some dandruff just because they work outside in cold winter air.
You can also accidentally give yourself dandruff by taking your hygiene too seriously. Oops!
Basically, if you over-wash the skin of your face, your pores might produce extra oil to make up for all the oil you’re scrubbing off.
This can trap extra dirt and make your face shed skin cells more quickly, resulting in unintentional dandruff.
Alternatively, scrubbing your skin too much can simply dry out your skin cells, leading to dandruff even though you’re just trying to keep things healthy.
Therefore, you never want to use bar soap on the skin of your face, as it’s far too alkaline for your facial skin and will result in both skin sensitivity and excessive dryness.
You should only ever use gentle shampoos or soaps on your beard and face and never rely on harsher skincare products, aside from toner.
Even then, you almost always have to use a moisturizer with the toner to ensure that you don’t dry things out too much.
Whenever you get dandruff, you don’t need to worry too much, but you should take a moment to consider why you are experiencing the condition, so you know how best to treat it.
How to Fix It
Fixing dandruff usually is a matter of moisturizing and cleaning your skin better than you currently are.
Most men experience dandruff when they start to relax on their beard or skin cleaning routines.
As a result, dead skin cells pile up and dirt my clog your pores, causing dandruff to rain down from above each time their finger run through their whiskers.
The solution to this ailment is obvious enough: clean your beard more thoroughly and consider using a toner and moisturizer in combination with one another to cleanse your pores deeply and moisturize your skin at the same time.
If you experience seasonal dandruff during the winter months, using a great facial lotion or beard oil can work wonders to stop dandruff before it really gets going.
Facial lotion is a product specifically intended to be gentle on the sensitive skin of your face while trapping in moisture more effectively to stop your skin from drying out and flaking off.
Beard oil does something similar, but it focuses more on keeping your hair strands hydrated, which will keep the skin beneath moisturized, as well.
Feel free to use both kinds of products if you want the best chance to minimize your dandruff throughout the winter season.
We have guides on the best beard oils for men if you’d like some suggestions.
4. General Dry Skin
What It Is
While this is related to dandruff, it’s common enough to count as a separate condition.
Men can experience skin dryness as they grow out their beard, which manifests as general discomfort or a feeling of skin tightness around your facial hair.
It can make you itch and scratch at your beard and skin or just be distracting throughout your day.
Why It Happens
Most men get dry skin around or beneath their facial hair because they don’t correctly moisturize the area once facial hair starts to grow in.
While facial hair can actually do a great job of keeping the skin beneath moisturized, men with naturally dry skin might stop using their face lotion on the skin beneath their stubble or beard.
This can lead to the growing process feeling uncomfortable since your skin will feel stretched out or thin.
Just like with dandruff, you can also accidentally over wash your skin, stripping away helpful oils that normally keep your skin moisturized.
Lots of guys with thick beards will run into this problem as they thoroughly cleanse their beard a little too enthusiastically.
They get rid of too much oil and end up drying their skin out as a result.
How to Fix It
Thankfully, fixing dry skin is pretty straightforward.
Use a great beard oil and face lotion in conjunction to restore moisture to your skin and improve your overall comfort.
You’ll also want to adjust your cleaning habits, so you don’t run into the problem again and again.
When cleaning your beard, remember that you don’t want to use products that wash away too much helpful oil.
You also never want to use bar soap or any other kind of soap intended for body skin on your facial skin.
5. Foul Smells
What It Is
When men first grow their beards out, they might be oblivious to a particularly sinister hygiene problem since their noses are right above their beards all day.
You know how it’s difficult to tell if your house smells terrible because you’re used to its various odors?
Your beard might harbor some awful stenches all day, and you’d never be fully aware unless you pay attention.
This can lead to very unlucky incidents, such as your girlfriend leaning in for a kiss, only to reel back and make a face.
The fact is that beards are excellent aesthetic choices for lots of guys, but they’re also a little too good at retaining smells.
This is especially true after you’ve just eaten.
A beard that isn’t washed and checked for odor regularly will change how you smell and drive everyone away from your general vicinity.
Bad-smelling beards totally negate the entire point of your beard, which is to boost your self-image and present a particular vision of yourself to the world.
Just like unkempt beards make you look older and immature, bad-smelling beards are a one-way ticket to loneliness and ridicule.
Lots of men run into this problem when they first grow a beard since they’ve never had to worry about it before.
That just means it’s doubly important to get these habits down early before you make a reputation for yourself!
Why It Happens
Your beard can attract foul odors like a magnet due to several reasons.
First and foremost is just poor hygiene.
No matter where you are or what you do, your beard will accumulate dirt, sweat, oil, and other scents throughout the day.
That’s why it’s essential to wash your beard thoroughly each day, as the collected stuff inside your beard can make a rather raunchy stench indeed.
Secondly, you might soak up a bad odor after eating.
There’s often no way to totally prevent any particle of your meal from getting into your beard, especially if it’s something runny like a soup or stew.
But odors don’t go bad immediately; it’s when you let those food particles simmer and cook in your beard that they take on an unfavorable smell.
Guys who refuse to wash their beards often end up smelling like what they last ate – for the last few weeks, at least.
There’s no better way to rid yourself of female attention than to not clean your beard after a day’s worth of meals.
One final lousy smell starter is cigarette or cigar smoke.
We all have our vices, but if either of the above two is yours, then you need to be extra vigilant against cleaning your beard each day.
Cigarette smoke doesn’t smell good to anyone, even diehard nicotine consumers.
That smoke will latch onto your beard and dig in deep, eventually making your beard smell like a chain-smoker’s bedroom carpet.
Do yourself a favor, and don’t let things get this far before deciding to do something about it.
How to Fix It
Fixing your beard’s smell is a simple affair, regardless of the reason for its stench.
Just clean it!
Use one of the best shampoos or beard conditioners for men, then add in a great beard oil or moisturizer for good measure.
You ought to do this every time you take your morning shower to ensure that your beard will smell fresh and clean each day.
It’s not only good for you but great for your significant other, as well.
Even better, some of the top beard oils for men will include artificial or stylishly masculine scents, like cedarwood or leather.
These fragrances can help you maintain your habits throughout the day without letting the smell overwhelm your or anyone else’s senses.
In short: keep your beard clean and use an oil to cover up any smells that might try to develop as the day progresses.
6. Beard Rash
What It Is
As opposed to a beard rash for your significant other, beard rash for you is what you can expect if you use a dirty or dull blade when shaving.
Simply put, a beard rash is a condition you can get if your face becomes too dry to protect your skin and hair while you shave.
It can also occur if you shave improperly.
The name is a bit of inconsistency since your beard itself doesn’t get a rash.
But a beard shaved with the wrong equipment, or if you allow your skin to fester with lots of dead skin cells or debris, your own beard hairs may start to irritate the surrounding skin and give it a red, inflamed appearance.
Another way to think of a beard rash is to consider it as general irritation or inflammation caused by unhealthy skin or bad shaving techniques.
Why It Happens
Beard rash typically happens when guys use improper shaving equipment, especially a dull or dirty razor blade.
That’s because these blades not only cut your facial hair improperly, but they also have a tendency to deposit dirt in your pores or make small micro-cuts in the flesh of your face.
These become vulnerable to infection or general irritation, especially as your beard hairs continue to grow around these minor wounds.
As a result, shaving improperly or on hygienically can cause your face to look like you rub the poison oak all across its surface.
This condition is usually experienced by men growing a beard for the first time since they typically haven’t updated their hygiene routine to include proper facial hair care and/or haven’t upgraded their razor to accommodate better and safer shaving.
How to Fix It
Fixing a beard rash is easy enough.
First off, purchase a good safety razor and stop using the dull blades that you’ve relied on since college.
An adequately sharp and hygienic razor is the number one way to improve your shaving safety.
We’ve done a guide to the best safety razors for men so you can equip yourself for the future.
Next, you should probably soothe any currently affected areas (easily identified by red or irritated skin) by washing them with mild soap.
This will clean out any dirt or debris without irritating the skin further or stripping it of healthy oils and moisture.
You should also use a toner or an astringent product, as these products can capably disinfect your pores and lessen the likelihood of a terrible infection.
You may need to use an antibiotic ointment if your beard rash is primarily from small cuts from shaving.
Finally, you’ll definitely want to stop shaving the affected areas until your beard rash goes away.
Continuing to shave inflamed sections of skin is likely only to make the problem worse.
7. Lice, Fleas, Ticks, And More…
What It Is
This is a very rare condition and usually only occurs if you have a long beard that offers lots of space for the parasites to set up shop.
Lice, ticks, and fleas are common parasites that live and breed in human or animal hair.
They’re more common in head hair since this is where the majority of humans have hair there.
But it’s not unheard of to get lice in your pubic or armpit hair, as well.
These parasites can give your beard an ugly appearance, kill your hairs by taking nutrients or chewing through hair strands, and cause your beard to emit a foul odor.
They can also cause skin infections if left unattended.
If you think you have a parasite infection, you need to thread your fingers through your beard ASAP.
Check for small crawling critters and react swiftly, if you see any make a plan to deal with them.
Why It Happens
These parasites show up mostly from the environment, but also possibly due to your acquaintances.
Lice, in particular, have a tendency to spread through children, so stay extra vigilant if your kid goes to a school where there was recently a lice outbreak.
Similarly, your dog or cat might bring home ticks or fleas, especially if they’re primarily outside pets.
Ticks can be picked up during the spring, summer, and fall months of the year if you go backpacking, particularly in the eastern half of the U.S.
What you can do to avoid these critters is check periodically and try not to expose yourself to any current parasite hosts, human or otherwise.
How to Fix It
Even if you get an unwanted hitchhiker in your beard, taking care of the issue doesn’t take too much effort, though it may include some side effects.
Firstly, be prepared to lose some beard hair.
There are parasite killing shampoos available, although they are generally intended for use with head hair.
You can use these for your beard, but be aware that your beard hair may die as a result of the ingredients included in the shampoo formula since your beard hair has a different texture from your head hair.
But these shampoos are super effective and will typically kill any parasites you might be harboring in a short time.
You can alternatively shave off all your facial hair, which eliminate the habitat for these parasites.
This does have the terrible side effect of requiring you to restart your beard grow from scratch.
But desperate times call for desperate measures.
We would recommend only going for either of these two dramatic options if regular cleaning doesn’t do the trick.
Spend some time thoroughly washing your brushing your beard with regular products before deciding to go nuclear.
Remember, if you do have to shave away your facial hair or use a killing shampoo, you can always grow your beard hair back, so the loss is only temporary.
Beard Shaving Shenanigans
Beards must be maintained, either through trimming or through periodic shaving of the segments of your face that you want to be bare.
But although shaving and be a calm and meditative experience, it carries with it the opportunity for little mishaps here and there.
The following advice is best for men beginning to master their shaving technique or for guys who want to cut down on the number of shaving shenanigans they have to endure each time they maintain their beard’s shape or style.
1. Nicks/Cuts
What It Is
Lots of men don’t wear full beards but have long facial hair around their chin or lips or in some other popular style.
This requires frequent shaving of the other areas of your face, which exposes you to the risk of small cuts day in and day out.
Most of the time, nicks or cuts aren’t much of a big deal, especially since all men have accidentally cut themselves with their favorite razor at one time or another.
But these wounds can be quite irritating to deal with and can embarrassingly mark your face, revealing your clumsiness.
This can be particularly awkward if you cut yourself shaving right before an important business meeting, for instance.
Thankfully, nicks or cuts can be taken care of without too much trouble.
Why It Happens
Nicks or cuts usually happen either as a result of regular shaving mistakes or bad shaving blades.
Shaving mistakes are something that you’ll never really eliminate, even after spending decades shaving your own face.
The truth is we’re all human, prone to making small mistakes here and there.
The other cause is more a result of laziness or improper shaving technique.
Dull or dirty blades have a higher chance of accidentally cutting your face even if you shave correctly since the blades may be slightly chipped or require too much force to make a cut.
How to Fix It
Regardless of how you cut your face, take steps to cover the wound immediately, and prevent the slim chance of it getting infected.
Alum blocks or styptic pens are great tools for this purpose.
Even though they might sting a little upon application, they’ll immediately stop any bleeding that might be taking place and help the wound to close quickly.
This not only makes your face look just about as healthy as it regularly does, but it stops the wound from being vulnerable to infection.
You can also place a small amount of absorbent paper to the nick, which will stick because of the blood and temporarily close the wound off while you finish shaving.
Other than that, great your teeth and finish your morning routine.
If you did nick yourself due to a dull razor, do yourself a favor and pick up a new blade or cartridge.
Every time you use the razor, you run a bigger risk of cutting yourself again.
If you’re a beginner, try not to apply too much pressure with your razor.
A well-sharpened blade should barely require any pressure at all to comfortably slice away your facial hair and help you shave your style to your liking.
2. Accidentally Over-Cutting
What It Is
Men with beards often like to maintain them at specific lengths or shapes.
But shaving requires concentration for most of us and breaking a focus or merely slipping off into a meditative state can sometimes lead us to cut away too much of our facial hair.
The panic that sets in is unique to men, as you realize that your facial hairstyle has just been ruined.
Cutting too much of your facial hair off for shaving too far can cause asymmetry in your style and require you to cut the other side shorter to make it match.
Depending on the exact style you’re sporting, this may require a complete reshaping of your entire facial hair setup.
Take a deep breath, look yourself in the eye, and keep going.
Why It Happens
Accidentally cutting too much facial hair can happen for any number of reasons.
Most of the time, it’s due to simple inattention, although inexperienced men may accidentally trim too much of their beard after growing it out.
It’s also prevalent when using electric razors, particularly if you’re using a new tool whose settings you aren’t used to.
Shaving too far is far from the worst beard sin you can commit, so try not to stress too much when this inevitable accident happens in front of your own bathroom mirror.
How to Fix It
Fixing your facial hairstyle may require you to trim both sides a little further than you might like.
It may also require you to trim your entire beard down overall to fit the new length of the over trimmed section.
Regardless of what exactly you have to do, remember that your hair will always grow back, and you can always reclaim what you had before.
So, you need to focus on turning your facial care routine into a salvage operation.
Try to finish your shaving routine with clean lines and determine the maximum point at which you need to shave to get everything symmetrical again.
You might also put this occurrence on its head and use it as an opportunity for experimentation.
Let’s say you’ve always had a facial hairstyle you wanted to try but never plucked up the courage for.
Accidentally shaving too far might open up a door and force you to try something new.
You should also take note of what length setting on your electric razor caused the incident for future use, so you don’t repeat the accident again.
3. Style Restlessness
What It Is
Once they have a full beard, many men start to look at their facial hair like a blank canvas, imagining the different styles they could adopt or the different movie stars they could emulate.
Other men might simply be restless by their nature, constantly changing styles in both their facial hair and their wardrobe.
Style restlessness is basically being bored with your current facial hairstyle soon after achieving it.
This can be more than a little frustrating, especially for men who spend lots of time growing out their beards only to realize that they’ve already grown bored of their appearance.
Why It Happens
Style restlessness can happen due to your personality or maybe even events in your life.
Let’s say you started growing a mustache, only for your father to adopt a similar mustache that looks like it was taken straight out of a 70s sitcom.
For many men, nothing makes them lose appetite for a particular style, then seeing their old man sporting that same style.
Either way, getting bored with your parents is nothing to be ashamed of, and lots of guys experience it to one degree or another.
How to Fix It
If you get bored with your current style, just change it!
The thing with facial hair is that it’s a renewable resource.
It’s there for you to experiment with and grow or cut off as you please.
In fact, too many men get locked into a single facial hairstyle for the majority of their life and never try anything more exciting.
Your facial hair will almost always grow back, especially if you’re in the prime of your life and have several decades with which to enjoy it.
After you grow a full beard, you already know how long it’ll take for your facial hair to return and know how to take care of that hair when it grows in.
Nothing is stopping you from shaving it all off and going clean-shaven for a bit, or only shaving part of your beard and reshaping it into a style.
We encourage you to try out as many styles as you like, especially since male hairstyles, in other respects, are a lot less dramatic or creative than their feminine counterparts.
Being able to experiment with your facial hair is a privilege unique to being a man, so don’t waste it.
But what if you don’t want to waste all of the months of effort you put into growing a full, lengthy beard, but can’t seem to get new styles out of your head?
It might help to implement a personal schedule system before you take any drastic action.
For instance, if you start to feel restless with your current style, make yourself sleep on it for a week.
If you still want to change your style after that week is up, go ahead and brandish your razor.
But if the motivation to change your style is fleeting, it should vanish before the weekends, and you can keep rocking your current style as long as you like.
4. Split Ends
What It Is
Split ends are a common beard ailment, especially for longer facial hairstyles.
You won’t usually encounter them if you have a short, tightly trimmed beard.
Split ends usually show up when your hair strands break under some wear and tear, or if your beard reaches a terminal length.
Why does this matter?
Split ends make your whole beard look much more aged than it might actually be.
They’re also a lot more likely to snag or catch on your brush or comb when you are doing your daily facial hair maintenance routine.
This can easily cause you to tear whole hairs out of their follicles accidentally.
Not only is this unpleasant, but it’ll make your beard look patchier or less dense than normal.
Besides, split hairs that aren’t treated will continue to fracture down their lengths all the way to the roots, eventually causing the hair to fall out anyway.
Suffice it to say that split hair can be a big issue if you let it get away from you.
Why It Happens
Split hairs can occur from several causes.
One of the most common and difficult to treat is weak facial hair integrity.
Put another way, some men’s facial hair doesn’t grow very strongly, resulting in thin or weak hair strands that are particularly susceptible to cracking or breaking from regular brushing or everyday touch.
Other men might just have unlucky genetics that predisposes their hair to be brittle and easy to break; these guys likely have shorter hair terminal lengths, as well.
You may also artificially cause your facial hair to become weak or brittle if you use a shampoo or soap that breaks down hair proteins, specifically the protein keratin.
How to Fix It
Fixing your hair split ends relies on you identifying the main cause for the breakage and treating it continually.
If your hair is breaking because it’s generally weak, you may need to change your diet or take a hair growth supplement.
We have a guide on the best hair growth supplements for men, so check it out if you think this is the key to your brittle hair issues.
Making sure that you eat plenty of fish oil and healthy protein can do wonders for improving your hair’s ability to grow long and healthy.
You may even need to take hair growth supplements as your beard reaches closer to its terminal length, as the hair is typically a little weaker for all men closer to the tip than closer to the root.
If your hair is becoming brittle due to a product you’re using, stop using that product ASAP and replace it with something gentler.
You can also shore up your hair’s natural strength by using a defensive beard oil that can provide extra proteins or vitamins.
These supplements will improve your hair’s ability to withstand wear and tear without breaking.
Regardless of the cause of your split hair, you need to trim them as soon as you see them.
Pick up a pair of thin haircutting scissors and clip off the sections of each hair strand that are compromised.
This prevents the fracture from proceeding down the main core of the hair strand.
It’s far preferable to letting the hair as a whole collapse or fall out.
You don’t need to worry about this making your hairstyle look terrible in most cases, too.
Most fractured hairs will be scattered enough that clipping their ends shouldn’t be too noticeable in the grand scheme of things.
5. PTSD/Post-Traumatic Shaving Disorder
What It Is
Not every guy learns how to shave his facial hair in a smooth experience.
Some guys accidentally mishandle the razor and can end up cutting themselves.
When combined with the formative years of puberty, you might have a mild phobia against shaving your facial hair in general.
This can make it challenging to maintain the hairstyle you desire or even keep your beard adequately trimmed.
This isn’t a prevalent problem, but it’s something we felt we should acknowledge in case you’re one of the few guys who hate bringing a razor near their face.
Why It Happens
Most of the time, the fear of shaving is actually a directed fear of bringing a razor blade close to your face.
It’s hard to blame men with this condition; our faces are sensitive and are home to lots of areas that can be badly hurt by a blade if we aren’t careful.
Combine that with clumsy teenage movement, and you’ve got a recipe for some severe scarring if there isn’t another guy around to help you through your earliest shaving experiences.
A bad experience when you’re younger can lead you to be wary of shaving your face at all in your adult years.
There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, but learning how to shave and overcome this fear properly is critical if you’re going to have facial hair or a clean-shaven face you can be proud of in the years to come.
How to Fix It
Fixing PTSD or a shaving phobia is something that we’re woefully unequipped for.
But there are plenty of therapists who are well-trained to help you escape your fear of shaving.
Definitely talk to your doctor about setting up a therapy appointment so you can enjoy your facial hair the way it’s meant to be.
The Hazards of The Hair
Bearing a beard is a great pleasure, but there’s no denying that even the most well-maintained facial hair comes with a few possible problems.
These are things that all men with beards have to be aware of regardless of their experience level.
In this section, we’ll go over common beard difficulties that can, occasionally, make us reminisce about when we were clean-shaven (even though we always stick with the beard in the end).
1. Tangles
What It Is
Any beard with hair that’s long enough is liable to get tangles sooner or later.
Tangles are the result of your various hair strands becoming twisted about one another and snarling into knots or other uncomfortable configurations.
If left unchecked, tangles can make your beard look terrible as a whole, or they can more easily trap food or dirt deep inside your beard where it’s harder to clean out.
Why It Happens
Beard tangles happen naturally just by having long facial hair and allowing it to sit freely.
At the same time, more likely to occur in beards that are not frequently brushed or cleaned, since facial hair of this type is often dirtier, stickier, or already kinked or bent into an easy-to-tangle shape.
In fact, the number one reason you might experience frequent tangles in your beard is that you don’t brush it often enough.
That’s why you must pick up one of the best beard brushes, particularly if you have a long, manly mane.
While a beard brush can still be helpful for men with shorter or tightly trimmed beards, it’s basically a requirement if you want a healthy and clean looking longer beard.
How to Fix It
You can get rid of tangles by simply brushing your beard thoroughly every morning and/or evening.
The exact frequency with which you need to brush your beard will vary from man-to-man, but we’d recommend doing it at least once each day.
This prevents your beard from obtaining any truly hard to get rid of kinks or tangles, and it helps to clear out your beard and get rid of any dead hair or dirt.
You should also thoroughly clean your beard each day to prevent your individual strands from sticking to one another or holding onto too much dirt.
Basically, the key to avoiding and getting rid of any current tangles is to maintain good beard hygiene and style advice.
Brush, clean, and oil: all three are needed for exceptionally long beards.
Oil is a great additional product to use since it helps to both lubricate your beard and improves its health.
2. Food and Drink in Your Beard
How to Fix It
Any man with a beard of significant length will need to pay attention to their eating and drinking habits.
If you have a thick mustache or a decent chunk of hair beneath your lower lip, chances are your beard hair will come into contact with your food or drink sooner or later.
Any food particles or liquid that gets stuck to your facial hair strands has a chance to remain there for many hours and even longer if you don’t clean your beard regularly.
That food and drink will start to decompose and collect bacteria.
Just like food particulates remaining between your teeth and emitting the sulfurous bacterial stench, we all know as halitosis, food, or drink that remains in your beard will cause your facial hair to smell positively awful.
This can hurt your own enjoyment of meals and make you a pain to deal with for your wife or girlfriend, especially when they come to kiss you.
We’ve already most of the major causes for your beard smelling bad.
But how do you keep food and drink out of your beard when you have to eat three square meals a day?
Why It Happens
Food and drink can regularly get into your beard if you don’t eat very neatly.
Sloppy eating, such as taking big bites and not wrapping your mouth entirely around a spoon, can lead to bits of food getting tangled in your beard as you chow down.
But food getting stuck is also somewhat unavoidable for certain types of food, such as chili or other soft dishes.
It’s also quite easy to get your mustache wet from drinks, especially if you have to sip from a cup that requires you to dip your lips low.
How to Fix It
There’s no denying that discovering how to eat and drink with a full beard has a significant learning curve.
But the key really is that simple: you just have to learn to deal with eating and drinking with facial hair, which comes with practice and experience.
Over time, you might learn that you can’t take quite as large bites as you’re used to if you have a full mustache that gets in the way.
Or you might start drinking from different cups if you don’t want your wine to soak your upper lip.
But by far, most men with facial hair get through meals by simply wiping their beard or face after every few bites.
This is a good habit anyway for training yourself in decent table manners, but it’s critical if you have a thick beard that just seems to attract food and drink magnetically.
Remember to wipe your mustache or beard regularly as you eat or drink, and you shouldn’t have much of a problem.
Wiping your beard doesn’t mean you can’t clean it, however.
This tip is just to help you avoid picking through your beard later and finding leftovers in its depths!
3. Weather Issues
What It Is
The weather of your current season or climate can potentially play havoc with your facial hair depending on its severity and your skin’s natural moisture levels.
The effect you might experience will depend on the weather itself.
Sunny days will typically make your facial hair looks great, but it can also dry out your facial hair just like your skin.
Windy days can cause your beard to flap about your face if it isn’t tied or secured in some style.
Rainy days can lead to their own issues.
If you use mustache wax for your upper facial hair, the wax might wear off quickly in the weather environment of a stormy day.
Finally, lots of men experience frizzy facial hair in humid environments.
These guys likely experience plenty of hair frizz atop their heads, as well.
Why It Happens
Weather issues can happen no matter your preparation or genetics.
It’s just something to roll with as the season’s change, and we enjoy the outdoors!
Your facial hair may be uniquely affected since it can often become much longer than the hair on your head and doesn’t usually have as much protective oil.
How to Fix It
The solution to your facial hair troubles is specific to the weather involved.
On sunny days, it’s usually a good idea to keep some face lotion or moisturizer around if you suffer from abnormally dry skin already.
The same advice is true for cold, wintry days.
While your beard will keep your face warmer than if you were clean-shaven, it won’t do much to prevent your face from drying out under a cold winter wind.
On windy days, we’d recommend braiding or clipping your beard to your face depending on your aesthetic preferences.
You might also consider threading some oil or shea butter throughout your beard hair, as this will weigh the hair strands down and prevent them from moving as dramatically while keeping them more hydrated at the same time.
During rainy days, we’d recommend keeping your mustache or any facial hair with wax out of the rain.
It sounds simple, but it’s something you might not think about if you’ve never experienced the unpleasant sensation of wax running down your upper lip.
For humid days, a great beard conditioner is your best bet for tackling still hair, just like you would for your head hair.
4. Chlorine Damage
What It Is
Most modern swimming pools use tons of chlorine to keep things sanitary.
After all, it would be a hygienic disaster to let hundreds of people swim around a shared pool without a hardcore antiseptic filtered through the water.
But whether you’re doing laps in the pool or soaking in a hot tub, your facial hair will likely get plenty of chlorine in its strands no matter your efforts.
Chlorine, if left unchecked, can degrade your hair and cause your skin to dry out.
This effect can happen in just a day or two if you’re already predisposed to dry skin, as well.
Why It Happens
Chlorine (at least in the form commonly present in pools) is a powerful antiseptic agent that demolishes bacteria and some foreign minerals.
It’s quite abrasive, which is why it can get to work on your facial hair or skin moisture levels if it’s left unattended.
How to Fix It
Men with healthy, strong hair don’t have to worry too much about chlorine side effects.
But every guy who wants to keep his facial hair healthy ought to wash his beard with mild soap and add a little moisturizer afterward.
This not only gets rid of any chlorine that might linger in your beard, but it restores some moisturization levels to your skin.
You don’t need to worry about doing this right after you step out of the pool.
Just be sure to wash your beard within 24 hours or so, and you’ll be fine.
5. Overheating
What It Is
Some men in humid and hot climates might experience an overheating sensation, especially if they haven’t sported a full beard before and decided to grow it during the summer months.
Overheating can make your face feel sweaty or itchy and might expand to your neck or the rest of your head.
However, feeling too hot from your beard isn’t enough to cause any severe medical conditions or side effects.
The worst that can happen is discomfort or mild irritation.
Why It Happens
The entire reason we humans have hair is to preserve body heat.
That’s the number one reason for hair existing in the first place, and it’s why we have hair in strategic locations around our body even though our ancestors shed most of it.
Our heads, genitals, and armpits are places where we lose heat the easiest, so it makes sense that we still have hair in those areas.
So, it should be no surprise that beards can make your face feel a little hot, especially if the environment is already warm.
How to Fix It
Shave it off!
Just kidding (unless you really want to!).
All joking aside, you can always trim down your facial hair in the summer season; lots of guys do this, alternating their styles with the rotation of the seasons.
Others have an easier solution: they drink a cold glass of water or run a cool rag over their face.
In fact, if you’re genuinely feeling overheated, just washing your face with cold water will do wonders.
It immediately alleviates any overheating sensation and doesn’t require you to shave off the beard that you spent so much time growing.
Win-win in our book.
6. Fire Hazards
What It Is
Every once in a while, there’s a story about some poor guy whose long beard caught on fire, causing a mild panic and a terrible look before he shaved off what remained.
Even though this is a rare occurrence, it’s something to keep in mind as a possibility if you’re set on a wizard-quality beard.
Long beards can become fire hazards if you’re not careful, especially since hair is one of the most flammable materials around.
Your beard catching on fire can quickly cause a panic, both in yourself and in anyone watching.
Of course, you need to douse the fire ASAP to prevent it from reaching your face and giving you real damage.
Worse, longer beards that catch fire are liable to spread the flames across the rest of your body to your clothes or to other flammable materials.
Why It Happens
Beards catch on fire only because you are paying attention.
It usually happens around campfires or in industrial sites where guys aren’t paying attention to where sparks are flying.
Thankfully, beards don’t spontaneously combust (that we know of).
How to Fix It
Contrary to what you might think, you should not stop, drop, and roll like in all of those fire hazard videos you watched in school.
Doing this will only give the fire more time to rise toward your face, especially since you won’t be able to smother the flames by rolling around like a log adequately.
Instead, dunking your head and beard entirely and water is the safest way to extinguish the fire.
You can use the sink, a bucket, or anything you can think of; just douse the entire area in the water ASAP.
Be careful not to throw your beer or any other alcoholic beverage on your beard, as alcohol is incredibly flammable and will only make matters worse.
If no water is around, quickly dousing the flame in dirt or a thick jacket may be enough, although any clothing material you use to try to smother the fire must be thick enough to avoid catching fire itself for a few seconds.
Thankfully, most beards aren’t long enough to produce huge flames, so it’s usually easy to kill the fire if you react quickly enough.
Once you’ve managed the problem, it’s time to look in the mirror and assess the damage.
Even though beard fires are enormous, they can still travel pretty quickly.
You might be disappointed to see that the majority of your manly mane has gone up in flames, so to speak.
We’d recommend giving yourself a good trim as far down as you can manage.
The important thing here is to cut off any hairs that have split ends or any kind of structural damage, as this damage can spread to the roots of your strands and make things worse.
Don’t be afraid to give yourself a good shave until you have just a tightly trimmed beard remaining.
Consider it a casualty of war in your fight to survive!
And remember, hair always grows back, so don’t take it too hard if you have to sacrifice your beard temporarily to avoid getting burns on your face.
7. Beard Caught on Something
What It Is
Like fire trouble, some men don’t pay attention to the length of their beard and can get it caught in heavy machinery or another device.
This can be inconvenient for incredibly dangerous depending on the exact circumstances.
For instance, getting your beard stuck in a mechanical clamp that is pulling away from you is a one-way ticket to serious trouble if you don’t react quickly.
Getting your beard caught in a disk drive is less of a significant incident.
Either way, it’s essential to identify what happened quickly and react accordingly.
Why It Happens
Longer beards can be tough to keep track of, especially if you’re in an unfamiliar environment.
Since we don’t feel our hair like our skin, it’s sometimes impossible to know if our beard is about to get caught in something until it’s too late.
You can always avoid this issue by keeping your beard trimmed to a reasonable length, but otherwise, you’ll just need to get in the habit of keeping an eye on where your beard is wandering if you want to enjoy a longer style.
How to Fix It
The solution to this problem depends on how much danger you’re in.
If your beard has been caught in heavy machinery and there’s a real danger to your face being pulled toward the same metal parts or fan blades, grip your beard close to your face or above wherever it’s been grabbed by the machine.
Then pull fast and hard, and don’t let go.
The good news is that human hair, while strong, will eventually break under enough pressure.
So long as you can maintain your grip on your hair, it’ll eventually split, and you’ll be released from the machine.
Just don’t let go!
You’ll definitely lose a big chunk of your beard, but this is far superior to getting a serious injury from a workplace accident.
Smaller incidents, like getting your beard caught in a disk drive, just require you to pause and carefully untangle your beard or open whatever has it in its grip.
Try not to move too suddenly to avoid ripping your beard.
In these instances, it might be possible to preserve the length and integrity of your beard much more cleanly.
Aging Ailments
Like us, our beards can change with age.
But just like other aspects of the aging process, we can help our hair change clumsily or gracefully.
There are plenty of problems you might encounter as your beard ages with the rest of you, but there are always some smart ways to handle those problems to mitigate their effects… or turn them into an advantage.
1. Gray Hair
What It Is
Virtually every man will experience gray hair at one point in their life or another.
Even guys blessed with the most useful genetics will eventually feel time’s toll and find their facial hair going gray.
Other guys are unlucky and might see gray hair as early as their 20s.
Either way, going gray isn’t something to be ashamed of.
In fact, it can be something that adds to your style or aesthetic, especially as you enter into middle age.
Most facial hair doesn’t go gray all at once or relatively quickly.
Instead, grayness overtakes your facial hair strand by strand, and generally over several years.
This gives you plenty of time to decide if you want to lean into the gray color or try to fight back with dyes.
Why It Happens
Hair naturally grays as our bodies age.
There are more details to uncover, like the shortening of telomeres within the DNA of your cells, but suffice it to say that hair turning gray is a natural process.
There are occasional instances of nutritional deficiencies with might be causing your hair to go gray prematurely.
If you’re young and are already experiencing lots of gray hair, it might be worth it to check with your doctor, who might ask you several questions about your diet and whether you are taking a multivitamin.
It may be the case that correcting this error is enough to stop the graying effect until you’re older.
How to Fix It
There are two possible ways to react to your hair turning gray aside from the multivitamin advice we talked about above.
You can always lean into the gray color and allow it to mature your hairstyle and appearance.
Lots of guys and up doing this as they enter their middle-age.
Gray hair, especially in its early stages when it complements the other colors of your beard, can give you an aura of maturity and wisdom that many men and women alike find attractive.
You can alter your hairstyle as your hair grayness progresses, plucking, or shaping your beard to highlight the gray streaks or the colored streaks depending on your preferences.
Alternatively, you can give the aging process a proverbial middle finger and use some great hair dyes.
Many of the best beard dyes are formulated, especially for facial hair, and can help you keep your normal youthful hair color for a lot longer than you might think.
These dyes do take some maintenance and some practice before you’ll get things to blend perfectly, but they’re a viable alternative to letting nature take its course simply.
2. Thinning Beard
What It Is
Another common side effect of you racking up years under your belt is the thinning of your beard.
This usually doesn’t happen all at once, but it can be devastating if it happens to a particularly critical section of your facial hair.
Some guys, unfortunately, find that their beard stops growing right in the middle of their lip or cheeks, making an ugly bald patch that ruins their entire facial hairstyle.
Other men might discover that they don’t grow facial hair as thick or long as they might be used to.
This causes their beards to shrink and get thinner and thinner over time progressively.
Why It Happens
Beards typically start to thin as we age, and our hair follicles progressively shrink or disappear.
This is a regular part of the aging process and is related to the general cell or genetic material degradation that affects all the other aspects of aging we don’t like to think about.
For men and women, aging also comes typically with different hormonal levels, which take the body some time to get used to.
More importantly, men frequently see a dip in testosterone.
Since this hormone is one of the primary reasons, we get facial hair in the first place, a sudden dip can lead our facial hair to stop growing.
Doctors are recently beginning to prescribe T-boosters to aging men for several reasons, including facial hair thinning as a result of this occurrence.
However, you might also suffer from the thinning of your beard if your diet takes a turn for the worse.
Each hair strand and follicle require some basic building blocks and proteins to produce new hair that can withstand wear and tear continually.
If you don’t provide your body with those materials, you shouldn’t be surprised if it stops producing thick hair or hair at all.
In summary, hair thinning can occur either as a natural result of the aging process, because of hormone imbalances, or because of dietary shortcomings.
How to Fix It
Naturally, the solution to your thinning beard will be found in its cause.
If you’re still young and are experiencing significant beard thinning, you should probably talk to your doctor so they can analyze your diet and determine any nutritional deficiencies that might be affecting your body’s ability to grow facial hair.
You may also have low testosterone, either unnaturally or just because you’re aging.
Once again, your doctor can give you a T-booster that can restore your testosterone to higher levels.
This should lead to a resurgence in facial hair growth.
You can take a hair growth and thickness booster as well, regardless of your age; these versatile supplements have lots of vitamins and minerals to boost hair growth, which might help if you do have any nutritional deficiencies or just naturally thin, short hair.
3. Hair Drying Out
What It Is
Your beard hair itself can become dry, much like the hair on your head.
This is much more common with men who have thicker or longer beards, however, as men with shorter beards will typically only experience significant dryness if the skin beneath is also dry.
Dry beard hair will become coarse, rough, and irritating to anyone who touches it, mainly female companions.
Besides, dry hair is at a higher risk for breakage or split ends, especially if your hair isn’t super thick, to begin with.
Since dry hair can come from either seasonal changes or your cleaning habits, it’s essential to know all the ways to solve the issue before it gets to be too bad.
Why It Happens
Like your skin, your hair can dry out for any number of reasons.
You might wash your beard too thoroughly or too much, primarily if you use a soap that’s too harsh for your beard or the skin beneath.
Or you might just be in a cold part of the year when the air is typically quite dry.
You may also just have genetics that predisposes you to dry hair.
How to Fix It
We’d recommend using a great lotion or beard oil to moisturize things properly.
These products act quickly and can be reapplied throughout the winter if the season is what’s causing the problem.
But they’re also helpful if you just have chronically dry facial hair no matter what month it is.
Sometimes, It’s Tough to Show Your Beard in Public
While we love showing our beard to the world, facial hair can sometimes carry a social cost.
Just like other forms of self-expression, beards can have effects on our relationships or give us trouble while we prepare them.
Below you’ll find a pair of recurring issues that men with beards face frequently.
1. Bad Beard Days
What It Is
Everyone rolls out of bed, looks at themselves in the mirror, and wonders what happened to their hair in the night.
Just like how you can have a regular bad hair day, so too can you have a bad beard day, especially if you have a longer style.
Bad beard days are best thought of as days when your facial hair simply refuses to get with the program and might naturally lean or bend in a way that doesn’t work for your style.
Other times you might find that your facial hair feels dry or scratchy, even if you put a great beard oil through its strands.
Why It Happens
Bad beard days can happen for lots of reasons, but it’s mostly a combination of your sleeping position during the night, and possibly something getting stuck inside your beard for hours on end.
It’s most common to experience a bad beard day when you’re camping or spending some time in the wilderness, as you aren’t as able to keep your beard as clean as normal, and there’s more opportunity for dirt and gunk to stick itself throughout your beard.
You can also have many bad beard days if you don’t thoroughly clean your facial hair every day… but you wouldn’t make that mistake after reading our guide so carefully, right?
How to Fix It
Bad beard days can usually be turned into good beard days with a vigorous brushing and a generous application of fortifying beard oil.
You may also want to take a shower and clean your beard thoroughly if that’s part of the issue.
Beard oil helps to lubricate the strands of your facial hair and can make your brushing job a lot easier, while the brushing will clear away tangles and force your hair into shape.
2. Hiring Discrimination
What It Is
It’s an unfortunate fact of our society that people love to make judgments about one another before getting to know them.
We’re prejudiced against others in all sorts of ways: skin color, gender, or sexual orientation are just a few of the worst versions of this nasty habit.
But lots of people, especially those in the professional work culture that dominates much of America, are also prejudiced against folks with beards.
Just like tattoos, there are plenty of hiring managers who refuse to take an employee candidate seriously if they have a beard that reminds them of a stereotype.
Lots of long or dramatic beards are associated with rebellious lifestyles, like biker gangs or metal music fans.
While these aspects may even be true for you (and maybe part of why you rock a solid beard), none of the above ideas necessarily means you won’t be a great employee for any job you apply to.
Unfortunately, lots of hiring managers don’t see it that way and might make a judgment call about your personality as soon as they see you walk through the door.
Put simply, hiring discrimination is a possible side effect where people prejudge you based on the appearance of your beard.
Why It Happens
This happens because we humans are paranoid, tribal creatures.
While we love coming up with things to identify our people with and things to associate with our group or nation, we similarly enjoy vilifying anyone who looks different for us or who likes different things.
So you’ll often find that professional hiring managers who think that the only respectable employee ought to look one way – clean-cut, strong jaw, no tattoos – will display prejudice against you if you decide to sport a beard, and especially a long one.
How to Fix It
There’s no real way to change anyone’s mind about this kind of thing, sadly.
Only through experience and self-reflection can a biased or prejudiced individual rethink their opinions and come to learn the truth of beard (which is that they’re epic).
However, you can take heart in knowing that there are many more accepting people than there are prejudiced once.
Even if you’re on the job hunt and feel discouraged since you are getting as many calls back as you hoped, remember that there is another job for you right around the corner.
Besides, you don’t want to work for some guy who’s judging you based on your beard, right?
The above collection of beard problems might seem intense at a glance.
If you’re having trouble growing a beard or having trouble growing facial hair, you should consider some beard growing products coupled with good beard hygiene.
But in the end, being able to have a beard and shape or style it as you please is worth all of that trouble and more.
There’s nothing quite as masculine or inherently mature as wearing a full beard, and we hope that demonstrating that each of the above issues has a solution has convinced you that it’s well worth the effort.
There’s no beard problem you can’t tackle with the right preparation or products, so check out our other guides if you’d like even more advice for specific issues or some routine examples.
Wherever you go and whatever your beard looks like, thanks for reading and good luck!