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One of the bigger questions many men face is whether or not to shave their pubic hairs.
It wasn’t all that long ago that the idea of a man even considering trimming, let alone shaving his pubes (shaving pubic hair) would have seemed quite bizarre and foreign.
Yet in more recent times, more and more men have begun to see the benefits of shaving or trimming their shafts and balls.
Keep reading to learn how to shave your pubes at home.
A Step By Step Guide on How to Shave Your Pubes
I previously had written the definitive guide to shaving your balls, including the reasons why and why not to do it and also exactly how it should be done to avoid damaging that most fragile and sensitive of areas.
The guide focuses on how to shave your pubes and the best way to shave balls or crotch areas.
So today I’ll focus more on shaving/trimming around the shaft and upper areas, as this is not only much more common but a heck of a lot easier to do.
Still, trimming pubic hair does require that you take your time and pay special attention, as any daydreaming could lead to a bleeding member.
So if you don’t know how to shave your pubes using a razor, you should probably learn how to remove pubic hair without shaving – use depilatory creams for men.
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However, before we get into how to shave your pubes, we’ll first look at the advantages and drawbacks of doing so for those of you who are still on the fence about whether or not to do it.
Important note: No matter how often or in what manner you shave your male pubes, one of the most important grooming essentials is to keep your pubic region as well as the rest of your body optimally clean and moisturized so be sure to get one of the best body washes and best body lotions for your specific skin type and needs.
Should I Shave My Pubes?
The question of whether or not a man should shave his pubes really comes down to a matter of personal preference, or possibly what your partner prefers.
However, as to the question of whether or not a man should trim his pubes, I would say much of the western world is beginning to answer a definite yes.
You might be tempted to assume that as a woman, learning how to shave your vagina is the same as a man learning to shave his pubes.
It is not.
Just as a lot of men prefer their women to have a fairly well-trimmed bush (vagina shaving), a huge percentage of women feel the same way about their men.
Surveys have shown that many women are more likely to go down on hot guys’ pubes even a slight trim than they would be on a man with a hugely hairy bush.
This means that as a man when you know how to shave your pubic area, you are most likely to have a woman go down on you.
Still, it’s not only more pleasant for people to look at, but having too much hair down there also tends to make things all that much sweatier and smellier at the end of the day.
Plus, it’s quite well known that trimming pubes (as well as trimming vagina hair) tends to make everything look a bit bigger as well, as it’s not so hidden behind your huge bush of male pubic hair.
Determining how to shave your pubes and other body hair is also critical.
What does it mean when a man shaves his pubic hair?
Some men shave their pubic hair just for personal hygiene reasons, but most men do it because they are preparing themselves for “oral sex”.
No matter what your reason is, be sure that you know how to shave your pubes before you dive right into the action.
Knowing how to shave pubic hair for men and how to get rid of pubic hair using the best pubic hair trimmer for men is very important.
Be sure to check out our articles on what men should/shouldn’t shave and other informational manscaping articles as well as our detailed product reviews of best body hair removal for men, and other manscaping products.
Learning how to shave your pubes is quite simple, as there are several different ways you can do it.
Some men prefer to use trimming scissors to quickly trim everything up by hand, while others prefer the convenience of an electric beard trimmer—preferably one with a guard so that you don’t nick yourself.
Although this should go without saying, it’s probably a good idea to pay close attention if trimming with scissors as well, as one little slip and, well you never know what could happen.
Shaving off your pubes completely, is again entirely up to you, just like for women in terms of shaving your vagina.
While some men find it quite refreshing and invigoration, others simply can’t get over the pain, itching (for those with itchy pubic hair), and irritation that invariably accompanies it the first few times you shave your pubes.
Other men may feel a bit too exposed or vulnerable with shaved pubes, but the only way to know is to give it a shot.
To help you make the experience as smooth and painless as possible, we’ll now look into exactly how to shave your pubes.
How to Shave Your Pubes: Items You’ll Need
If you plan on shaving off all your men’s pubic hairs or even some of your pubes with a razor, the very first step is to arm yourself with the right tools.
1. Razor
While I normally recommend men use a safety razor or possibly even a straight razor (see infographic) when shaving their face, you should never bring either of these two types of razor anywhere near your manhood if you know what’s good for you.
They’re simply too sharp and require too special of a technique to trust near your family jewels, so put them away and instead reach for a trust old cartridge razor such as a Mach 3 or Fusion.
In this case, I’d almost be apt to say that the more blades it has, the better it is, but really anything with at least three blades will work.
Male pubic hair removers should never be too sharp if you’re learning how to shave your pubes.
Keep in mind though that this is really only for the first shave, as after that, even one of the better single blade disposable razors should do the trick if you plan on shaving every few days.
2. Shaving Cream
In addition to using a new razor, it’s also a good idea to think about the type of shaving cream you use to learn how to shave your pubes.
While I’m an advocate of traditional shaving soaps, I probably would never use them on my pubes.
However, I still wouldn’t use any of the canned shaving foams either.
Some men simply use their wife or girlfriend’s cream that she uses on her legs, which is at least better than that canned crap you usually use on your face.
Still, best of all is an unscented shaving gel, as these typically go on clear, meaning you can see exactly what you’re doing to lessen the chances of nicks or cuts.
Most are all specifically designed for people with sensitive skin, making them perfect for use on your most sensitive area, especially if you’re learning how to shave your pubes.
Some pubic hair removal creams are also antibacterial, which can further eliminate irritation caused by bacteria.
3. Lotion or Oil
If you can find a mild, unscented, alcohol-free aftershave lotion or balm, this is also a great thing to use immediately after you shave.
Aloe vera gel or oil and even baby oil can are all good choices as well.
However, be careful about what products you put on down there, as the skin is much more sensitive and can easily become painfully inflamed or irritated.
Why do we have pubic hair if it is so damn difficult to figure out the best way to remove pubic hair?
Answer: To provide a nice cushion against friction and irritation.
It’s also important to note that baby oil has been known to damage condoms, so keep this in mind if you plan on having sex soon after shaving with a pubis or bikini trimmer.
How to Shave Your Pubes: Preparing Your Pubic Hair
Before you can even think about taking a razor to your pubes, the first thing when learning how to shave your pubes is to prepare your skin and hair in order to both make the process easier and decrease the amount of post-shave pain and irritation.
The very first step is to take a body hair trimmer or pair of scissors and trim all of your long pubic hair down to a more manageable length, say no more than ¼ of an inch.
Once you’re all trimmed, it’s time to hop into a hot shower for at least 5-10 minutes.
The warm water will help to soften up your coarse pubic hairs, especially if you’re learning how to shave your pubes.
While in the shower, it’s also a good idea to give everything a thorough wash, preferably with a mildly exfoliating soap.
Exfoliating will help to wash away oil, dirt and dead layers of skin, which better prepares your skin for shaving, leading to both a closer shave and minimizing the chances of the razor catching or dragging across the skin.
If you’re too lazy to shower, another way to prepare your pubes is to take a warm, wet washcloth and drape it over your manhood for at least 5 minutes as this will have a similar effect to taking a hot shower.
How to Shave Your Pubes: Where to Shave Your Pubes
Before grabbing your razor and getting down to business, it’s important to put a bit of thought into where/how to shave your pubes as it’s important to be comfortable and also ensure total privacy.
You don’t want someone barging in the door and causing you to slip, so make sure to keep the door locked.
If you’ve never done it before, the whole process might take you quite a while, so keep that in mind as well.
Once you’re safely locked away in the bathroom, you’ve got a few choices.
You could shave in the shower, but this requires that you keep your genitals fully out of the water so that it doesn’t end up diluting or washing off your shaving cream.
On the other hand, you’ve also got a steady source of water handy for washing off your razor, which is important in keeping it from getting clogged with hair and cream.
Another added benefit of shaving your pubes in the shower is that you can combine the earlier preparation and the shaving all in one, making it easier if you’re learning how to shave your pubes.
Just keep in mind that you may have to clean out the drain afterward or else risk your partner or roommate’s wrath.
If you’ve got a bathtub at home, you could also try shaving in a shallow bath full of warm water.
While the water should be high enough to sit in, it’s again important that it doesn’t reach your pubes and wash away the shaving cream.
Shaving while sitting down really is the easiest way to shave your pubes, as it helps to give you a much better view of what you’re doing down there.
So if you’ve got the time, this is probably the best method to go with.
Another decent option when learning how to shave your pubes is doing it while sitting down on the toilet, preferably with a wastebasket positioned directly underneath you to catch any hairs that may fall off.
The only problem with this method is that you’ll still need to be rinsing the razor off after every stroke, so it could get a bit messy.
You could also try shaving while standing over the bathroom sink, just be sure to put the toothbrushes away first and make sure your wife or girlfriend never catches you.
Lather It On
Once you’re in the correct position, the next step is to apply a generous amount of the aforementioned sensitive skin shaving cream.
If you’re worried about making a mistake, try only lathering up a small area at a time.
How to Shave Your Pubes: Shaving It All Off
If you plan on shaving off all of your pubes, including the shaft and balls, it’s a good idea to start off with the upper area first while using the best pubic hair trimmer.
After lathering it all up, first, pull the skin tight with one hand, and then with the other hand, take your razor and start working your way downwards using short, even strokes.
Don’t apply too much pressure and instead let the razor glide gently over the skin.
Make sure to thoroughly rinse off your blade after each stroke and don’t go over the same area more than one time at first.
At this point, you should be shaving everything off up to the base of your shaft, taking special care when shaving in the sensitive areas around the sides of your legs and also your balls and shaft.
Once you’ve finished taking one pass over the upper pubic area, rinse the hair and the rest of the cream off, then reapply the cream and go over everything a second time.
If you tend to have extra sensitive skin, it’s probably best to go with the grain again.
However, for a closer shave, you’ll probably need to take at least three total passes—once with the grain, once sideways across the grain and once against it.
Just be aware that the more times you go over a single area, the more irritation and inflammation you are likely to experience—not to mention razor burn or ingrown hairs.
After you’ve finished with the upper parts, you can move on to shaving around the base of the shaft if needed.
If you do plan on shaving up the shaft, it’s even more important that you always keep the skin pulled as tight as possible, as otherwise, you’re likely to end up with a cut in the worst possible place.
When learning how to shave your pubes and shaft, only shave with the grain and only ever go over it once, as the less a razor touches your penis the safer you’ll be.
After finishing the shaft (you can compare the before and after shaving pubes), you can then move on to shaving your balls and any other remaining areas using the same technique of pulling the skin tight.
This is important when shaving the balls for the same reasons as when shaving your shaft, especially when learning how to shave your pubes.
Once you’ve finished the balls, it’s time to stop.
While it’s fine for you to shave your cheeks after genital hair removal, you should never, ever, under any circumstances consider shaving near your anus.
If you really want to clean things up that much, just go pay the money for a waxing.
It will be a hell of a lot easier and much safer when learning how to shave your pubes.
How to Shave Your Pubes: Finishing It Up
When you’ve finished everything up, splash a bit of cold water on it all to rinse off any remaining cream/hair and also to tighten up the skin and close up the pores, which will help prevent further irritation.
Follow it up with using oil or other unscented aftershave product as discussed earlier (How to Shave Your Pubes: Preparing Your Pubic Hair).
You may also want to consider using a baby powder or similar product for the first few days, as this will help absorb any oil and sweat that could otherwise lead to more irritation.
The first few times you shave after learning how to shave your pubes, you are likely to experience more irritation, red bumps and other issues, but these tend to lessen the more times you do it—just as your girlfriend.
However, because these problems can be quite painful at first, it’s recommended that you wait at least two to three days in between shaves to give the skin a chance to calm down before subjecting it to the same harsh treatment again.
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Hopefully, this article helped you understand how to shave your pubes at home.